How to build a metrics driven Newsroom using Hocalwire CMS
Hocalwire CMS offers unique metrics that helps Newsrooms operates efficiently. This is a unique value for publishers.
Hocalwire CMS positions itself as an Content Management System that offers value in transforming and modernizing newsrooms. The unique feature that we offer is a the ability to monitor analytics and metrics of how efficient your newsroom operates in terms of publishing performance of writers and their stories. This helps in keeping the entire publication process transparent and optimized to meet the goals. Here we are going to see how the Hocalwire CMS shows us metrics that can help the publishers grow exponentially.
Welcome to H-Analytics:
The H-Analytics Module (Hocalwire Analytics) is a comprehensive toolkit that is proprietary to Hocalwire CMS that enables the management, publishers, editors and writers track the overall output of the newsroom. We have designed the system by understanding the problems faced in the production journey and have infused solutions that look for vital information. This helps is removing waste and optimize the process for better performance.
The distributed newsroom needs to look for submissions and output in various parameters. That's why we have incorporated few default filters to show the number of Stories published Per Day, Per Location, Per Writer, Per Editor, Per Author, Per Category.
Per Writer & Editor: This report helps in accessing the overall output in number of stories quantified by a person. With this we will be able to measure and track performance, milestones and deliverables as per expected standards. We can find people who are slow or who is missing out of daily targets to report and improve them positively to make the publication flow easier.
Per Location: When the publication has an headquarters in one city and has distributed reporting teams, the per location module uses Geo Location to measure the number of stories flowing from every location. This will help in focusing on key geographical areas and analyze their reporting performance. We will also know the areas which have o
We will be able to measure consistent throughput of the teams and flag dates that are not published. Thus creating an open and transparent newsroom for everyone to work closely and efficiently to meet the collective goals of the publication.
Publish Reports:
You get access to an comprehensive dashboard that consolidates all the much needed metrics i one place and best part is that we can export these metrics in Excel file format to make use of during the weekly updates or monthly updates meetings. The Dashboard also allows you to apply filters and narrow down data points that can be used to monitor any writer, category or location. We have incorporate the facility to filter out data between dates and also have default groups like last 24 hours, last week and over one year.
Metrics in Comparison:
The best part of the metrics system is to drive analytics from the data that translates into valuable information. For that we have the feature to compare reporter performance between various time periods. This helps in quantifying the growth and improvement of individuals in the publication journey. Alternatively we can also spot performance issues and fix them before things get out of hand. Transparency has now been considered a very key aspect in Journalism and Hocalwire CMS strives to enable that from foundational level.
Hocalwire CMS has tons of customization possibilities and our customers can request unique features tailor made for them and we will be able to serve those feature requests. To know more how we can help you build a metrics driven News-room, feel free to reach-out and book a demo with us.